Tuesday 15 April 2014

How To Check Your 2014 Jamb Result - 2014 Jamb Result Checker

 Please follow the below step by step guidelines below to Check the Jamb 2014 Results Online.

Please visit the jamb official website o check your result or you can go to www.Dailyuniversitynews.com  to check your result.

 First Step. All the interested candidate who sat down for the 2014 Jamb Utme examination are to please visit the JAMB result checking portal @ www.Dailyuniversitynews.com 

Second Step. Now proceed by entering the below credentials; Œ Your PIN. Œ Your Serial Number or Registration Number. 

Third Step. Now after entering the above credentials, you are to proceed and Click on SUBMIT, your JAMB 2014 RESULT CHECKER will immediately display on your Computer Screen/Mobile Phone Screen, you can then proceed to print out your results. 

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Sunday 15 December 2013

How To look Good Physically Fit With Health Moses

1. No more refined foods – One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside from that, they can also get you constipated. 2. Raw food is better – Eating raw foods means not overcooking your meals. Such kind of practice will enhance your beauty, since raw foods are still filled with vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients that can take care of your skin and hair. Aside from that, it has been proven that raw foods can make wrinkles and age spots less obvious. 3. First thing to do in the morning – It is best that when you wake up in the morning, you drink a glass of water, and eat a piece of your favourite fruit, like banana. This would ensure that your skin is properly hydrated, and the fruit would also help in maintaining its radiance. In addition, such a practice can also help you maintain your weight, or lose some. 4. Preventing grey hair – Making use of oil for your hair can help in preventing grey hair. However, to make it more effective, you can add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to it. Aside from that, you can also eat a teaspoon of curry leaf chutney at least every other day, since it has components, which can strengthen the cells that form the pigmentation from within. 5. Seal your nail polish – Having a nail polish that is shiny and glossy offers a beautiful sight to see. Thus, it is best that you prevent it from scratches and peeling by applying a top coat over your nail polish. By applying a top coat to seal the nail polish, you would be able to extend its beauty even for 7 days. 6. Practice a morning skin care routine – Following a skin care routine each morning can help a lot in maintaining your beauty. A typical routine that you can follow would involve removing all dirt from your skin with the use of a deep cream cleanser, and rinsing it with water; applying a mild moisturizer; and, applying a small amount of face powder to control oil buildup. 7. Use cream as your skin cleanser – Cleaning your skin on a regular manner is essential in maintaining its beauty. However, it is best to make use of cream cleanser to do this, since it won’t take away the natural oil from your skin, which protects it. Don’t use anything that can dry out your skin, since it can become prone to bacteria and cellular damage. 8. Use rosewater as toner – Using rosewater as your toner provides lots of benefits. Aside from maintaining the radiant looks of your skin, rosewater actually contains substances, which can also maintain your skin’s moisture. In addition, it is also a good solution that you can use if you have allergic skin or to treat sunburn. 9. Get enough sleep – Getting enough rest is one of the most important things to do, when it comes to maintaining your beauty. You need to have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night; and, it is best that you are already asleep by 10 in the evening, so as to maximize the benefits from your beauty sleep. 10. Drink enough amounts of water – To maintain your beauty, you need to have a skin that has good moisture. To achieve that, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Aside from flushing out harmful toxins from your body, it can also get rid of excess heat. In addition, enough amounts of water can also help you maintain your weight, and prevent constipation. 11. Drink milk each day – Drinking milk is one of the best things that you can do in order to maintain your beauty. When you drink milk each day, you would be providing your body with the essential nutrients to strengthen your hair and bones. Aside from that, it can also make your skin look younger, enhance your health and the looks of your eyes. 12. Refrigerate toners and floral waters during summer time – Toners and floral water can help you freshen up, especially during the warmer months. Thus, it is best that you keep them inside the refrigerator during the summer months, so that you can use them cold. To feel refreshed, you can always spray your face with it. 13. Never pick pimples – Having lots of pimples on your face can affect your beauty. Thus, you don’t want it to multiply. Picking your pimples is actually one of the things that can make you have more of them. This is because pricking it can spread the infection further. Aside from that, it can also damage your skin tissue around the pimple. 14. Exfoliate your hands each week – Having hands that are soft and smooth would definitely add more to your already beautiful image. To achieve that, you should exfoliate your hands once a week, with the use of a natural exfoliating liquid. Use it in light circular movements, so as to gently massage your skin. 15. Fix your yellow nails – Yellow nails is not something that you can be proud off. Thus, if you have them, you can simply make use of a homemade whitening bath for it. All you need to do is to mix enough lemon juice and rose petals into a bowl of clean water, and dip your hands into it. After going through that process, apply a moisturizing lotion to enhance the results. 16. Replace candies and chocolates with fresh fruits – One of the many weaknesses of some people is to crave for sweets, which can affect their beauty. Thus, instead of eating candies, and other food items that are filled with sugar, you should eat fresh fruits. Foods that have high sugar content can enlarge your pores, aside from the fact that it can make you gain weight. 17. Have a facial once a month – Going through facial each month can provide you with lots of benefits. Some of which would include collagen and elastin recovery, improve the circulation of your blood vessels, even out your skin color, improve hydration, and improve skin tone. It can also make your skin soft and radiant. 18. Keep your makeup simple and light each day – It is always best to show people your natural beauty. You can achieve this by keeping your makeup as simple and light each day. When you do that, you would also prevent skin damage, which is one of the effects of using heavy makeup on a regular basis. 19. Using lip balm – Keep in mind that maintaining the condition of your lips can also enhance your beauty. To do that, it is always best to carry a lip balm wherever you may go. Lip balm can prevent your lips from drying out. Because of that, it is one of the best ways to prevent or cure lip chapping. With the right kind of lip balm, it can also soften your lips. 20. Be gentle with your skin near your eyes – The skin under your eyes is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Thus, it is best that you are gentle with it. You should not pull or stretch it, since it would definitely show, and affect your looks. With regular pulling and stretching in that part of your face, it can look wrinkled or saggy in no time.

Thursday 19 September 2013

10 Foods That Damage Your Teeth

Most people know candy and other sugary foods wreak havoc on their teeth,but how about fruit?

You may have heard brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to keep your teeth healthy.But some foods cause enough damage to warrant extra cleanings.

Below are the list.

1. Apples

Apples are high in acid, are surprisingly hard on your enamel.While a daily apple may keep the doctor away, the acid might keep your dentist on speed dial.Eating apples is fine, just be sure to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash shortly after.

2. Hard candies

Though you probably know the sugar in candy is a problem, hard candies are especially harmful because we tend to hold them in our mouths longer.Also be aware that cough drops are often made with sugar, so opt for the sugar-free brand if available.

3. Pickled vegetables

Pickles are made with vinegar, which is acidic, and often sugar as well. While the vegetables are healthy, the brine is can damage your teeth.Drinking water with your meal helps wash away acids and sugar, but remember to brush an hour later.

4. Bread Many breads contain sugar-especially processed white breads. It's best to check the labels for any added sweeteners that will breed mouth bacteria.Bread is also sticky and gets between and behind your teeth.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck in your teeth, and the areas between your teeth will cultivate more bacteria for that reason. It's okay to treat yourself to a bag of popcorn as long as you rinse with water and remember to floss and brush after.

6. Peanut butter

Sticky and often made with sugar, peanut butter not only feeds bacteria but makes it easier for them to adhere to teeth.Look for natural peanut butters with no added sugars to lessen the problem.

7. Jelly

Along with peanut butter, jelly or jam is loaded with sugar and quite sticky.Even the all-fruit brands contain natural sugars and encourage plaque and bacteria if not washed away soon.

8. Meat Meat tends to get stuck between your teeth, and some meat products contain sugar as a preservative.While the amount may not be very high, any food that sits between your teeth can promote tooth decay.Try chewing sugar-less gum after eating if you can't brush right away.

9. Diet Soda

Just because it doesn't have sugar doesn't mean your teeth are safe. The acidity of diet sodas is still extremely high, making it one of the worst products for your teeth.

10. Salad dressing

More of a condiment than a food, salad dressings use vinegar and sugar for flavor.Salads should be a staple in anyone's diet.

Monday 5 August 2013

The most top 10 items which must be kept in a cool area.

The most top 10 items which must be kept in a cool area. If we follow this blog am not sure you will loose.

01. Ripe Bananas

The peels will turn black, but the fruit itself will be good for several extra days.

05. Old-School Film

It performs better when stored in a cool place. But be sure to let it come to room temperature before opening the container to prevent condensation on the film’s surface.

03. Natural Peanut Butter

Cool temperatures preserve the oil. Stir once before refrigerating and it shouldn’t separate later.

04. Avocados

Once they’re ripe, refrigerate to prolong shelf life.

05. Whole-Wheat Flour

Transferred to a freezer bag, it will last six times as long in the fridge as it would in the pantry. White flour is ok when stored there.

06. Cologne and Eau de Toilette

Refrigeration can help these fragrances retain their scent for about two years. (Perfume, however, should be stored at room temperature.)

07. Candles

Cold wax can burn more slowly and dripless.

08. Lipsticks

A cool home improves longevity. If you stock up on a favorite color, keep extrashere rather than in the bathroom.

09. Homemade Cookies

They’ll stay fresh longer there than in the pantry.

10 Garden Seeds

Place in a moisture-proof container. Cool temperatures extend the seeds’ viability.

. From the admin of Dailyuniversitynews.

Ten(10) Good Things Which Should Not Be Refigerated (With Image).

These are good 10 things which should not be refigerated.

These are:

01. Hot Sauce

. These can be stored in the pantry for up to three years and more.

02. Potatoes

All people knows potatoes however the Refrigeration adversely affects their flavor, so store in the pantry in paper bags (plastic bags trap moisture and speed decay). Most varieties should last three weeks.

03. Bread

Also bread is a widely known food, so the refrigerator dries it out fast. Instead, keep what you’ll eat within four days at room temperature and freeze the rest.

04. Onions

They like their original mesh bag (or any bag that allows for air circulation) in the pantry. But keep them away from potatoes, which emit moisture and gases that can cause onions to rot.

05. Batteries

Stash in a drawer at room temperature. Extreme cold (or heat) can diminish performance.

06. Garlic

It will do well for two months in the pantry. Store loose, so air can move around it.

07. Tomatoes

They can get mealy in the fridge, so leave them on a counter, out of plastic bags. To speed ripening, store in a paper bag. Once ripe, they’ll last for about three days.

08. Coffee

The fridge (and the freezer) create condensation, which can affect the flavor of both ground coffee and coffee beans. Coffee fares best in an airtight container in the pantry.

09. Nail Polish

Keeping it in the fridge can cause it to thicken. Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

10. Winter Squashes

Varieties such as corn, butternut, delicata, and spaghetti will last for about a month or more in the pantry.

From the admin of healthmoses

Great 9 Fast And Healthy Breakfast And How To Prepare It

These are currently 9 fast good food as breakfast we ought to eat.

There include:

1. Fruit and Cheese

This is very importance balanced fruit, easy-to-assemble make-ahead morning meal: Grab an apple, wrap 1 to 2 ounces of Cheddar inplastic, and toss ¼ cup of fiber- and protein-rich walnuts into a resealable plastic bag.

2. Peanut Butter Waffle

This also another great idea of breakfast Instead of dousing a whole-grain or bran toaster waffle in syrup, cut the sugar and boost the protein and fiber by spreading it with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. You can also sprinkle on 1 tablespoon of raisins, sesame seeds, or extra peanuts for even more fiber, which helps deliver the meal's nutrients slowly and steadily.

03. Plain Doughnut With Chocolate Milk

A plain cake-style doughnut is usually a better choice than a bakery muffin. At Dunkin' Donuts, for instance, an old-fashioned doughnut has 280 calories, while a corn muffin has 510 calories. Add fiber by eating ¼ cup of almonds or dried fruit. Instead of coffee, try 8 ounces of low-fat chocolate milk.

04. Strawberry Shake

In a cocktail shaker, combine a packet of vanilla or strawberry instant-breakfast powder (look for the no-sugar-added kind, such as Carnation) and 1 cup of low-fat strawberry cow's milk or soy milk. (You can also mix this the night before.) If you have time, use a blender to add strawberries or a frozen banana, for extra fiber, and a scoop of protein powder, such as GeniSoy Natural.

05. Morning Pizza

it's preferable to filling up on sugar or skipping breakfast Or you could try a more sophisticated spin: Take a slice of crusty bread, spread it with 3 tablespoons of low-fat ricotta, and add tomatoes. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil (about 1 teaspoon) and a little salt and pepper. Boiling is optional.

06. Energy Bars

To substitute for a meal, an energy bar should have at least 3 to 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. Odwalla, Kashi GoLean, and TruSoy are all good options. Because cereal bars rarely have more than 2 grams of protein, kids might be better off adding a stick of Go-Gurt! and a sleeve of peanuts.

07. Egg McMuffin

If you must eat fast food in the morning, get an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's. At 300 calories,it's not an outrageous meal. Plus it has a good amount of lean protein from theegg and the Canadian bacon. To trim empty calories, remove the top half of the muffin. For additional fiber, add a fresh orange.

08. Cereal "Sundae"

A bowl of fiber-rich bran flakes (about 1½ cups) with 8 ounces of low-fat milk is nearly the perfect breakfast. Make it portable by replacing the milk with lemon or vanilla yogurt and mixing it in a to-go container. Increase the fiber and vitamins by adding ¼ cup of nuts or fresh or dried fruit, such as chopped pecans or blueberries.

9. Huevos Rancheros

One of the most portable proteins is a hard-cooked egg, but it has no fiber or carbohydrates. So slice it, then roll it in an 8-inch whole-wheat tortilla with a piece of Canadian bacon or lean ham and, if you like, a ½-ounce slice of cheese. Add a tablespoon of salsa for a shot of flavor and a smidgen of vitamin C.

From the admin of Dailyuniversitynews.